Real Estate„Serviced Apartments in Kanto Region„Business Hotel in Oyama„‰w“Œ2„Price

OyamaServiced Apartment


(Accommodation shorter than one week is also OK. You can also pay the rent every month or week if you rent a room for several months or weeks.)

One Week
One Month
One Person
32,000¨24,000 Yen
iOne Day—3,429
iOne Day—3,200 Yenj
Two Persons
47,600¨37,800 Yen
iOne PersonOne Day—2,700
iOne PersonOne Day—2,520 Yenj
Three Persons
66,600¨51,200 Yen
iOne PersonOne Day—2,438
iOne PersonOne Day—2,276 Yenj
Extra 19,000 Yen (Delivery Fee included)
iRenta-CarOne Day—2,714j
Extra 61,000 Yen (Delivery Fee included)
iRenta-CarOne Day—2,033j

The rent includes room-using expense, cleaning expense, expendables supplement expense, utility expense, parking expense, internet expense, consumption tax, parking lot and bicycle-using expense.In addition, deposit and Reikin (remuneration to the owner) will not be charged either. YOU DON'T HAVE TO SUFFER FROM EXPENSES Other THAN THE ABOVE ONES
Every 2 weeks, we have one regular supplement day, in which we will replace fixtures for free, so it's really a good place for long term accommodation.
(However, if the expense of Electricity or water go well beyond the basic rate because you turn on the air conditioner or water service when you go out, a request of extra expense will be charged on you. What's more, you have to pay if telephone or NHK expense is charged.) j
¦One child under age 5 will not be counted as one person. But when there are two or more children, every two children will be regarded as one person.

If you have other questions, please feel free to contact us. We will patiently answer your questions
In addition, credit card service (VISA, MASTER, DINERS, JCB, AMEX) and convenience store payment (7-Eleven, Lawson, Family Mart, Seicomart) are only available for individuals. Such services are not available for corporate bodies.

ŠOŠΟΪΧMap of SurroundingsLayoutInterior PicturesEquipment InformationŽ‘—ΏˆσόŽθ‘±‚«

Business Hotel in Oyama

Real Estate„Serviced Apartments in Kanto Region„Business Hotel in Oyama„‰w“Œ2„Price