Real EstateServiced Apartment in Kanto RegionTsukuba Business HotelAccommodations for groups>Map of Surroundings

団体 宿泊 つくば



↑Click the map to confirm the surroundings↑

※As this location is difficult to find, we strongly recommend you print the map in advance.※

Navigation to the destination from Tsuchiura-gakuen-sen(Japanese: 土浦学園線) with pictures

Navigation to the destination from Sakura-Tsuchiura Interchange(Japanese: 桜・土浦インター) with pictures

外観詳細LayoutInterior PicturesEquipment InformationPrice From案内資料印刷手続き


Real EstateServiced Apartment in Kanto RegionTsukuba Business HotelAccommodations for groups>Map of Surroundings